Trans World Flight Center, Idlewild flyhavn, New York

Arkitekt: Eero Saarinen

"It was a matter if designing a building in which the very architecture would express the excitement of the trip... we wanted the architecture to present the terminal not as a statically closed object, but as a place og movement and transition" - Eero Saarinen

Trans World Flight Center, Idlewild flyhavn, New York
Trans World Flight Center, Idlewild flyhavn, New York
Trans World Flight Center, Idlewild flyhavn, New York
Trans World Flight Center, Idlewild flyhavn, New York
Trans World Flight Center, Idlewild flyhavn, New York
Publisert på nett 19. juni 2018. Opprinnelig publisert i Arkitektur N nr. 7 – 1963. For å få full tilgang på alt innhold i Arkitektur N kan du kjøpe eller abonnere på papirutgaven.